
Welcome! We are Muntjac Class and we are Y3 and Y4 pupils

Dear Parents and Carers of Muntjac Children

Welcome back to another exciting year of learning. We have a very busy term to look forward to and lots to discover together. Our topic will focus on the Stone Age to the Iron Age, from a child’s perspective. Linking to other areas of learning such as art, we will be looking at a variety of cave paintings and how they tell stories from Prehistory. We will use pens, pencils and charcoal to explore textures, shades and tones as part of our class artwork activities. Within RE, we are using Understanding Christianity for our inspiration to help us understand what Christians learn from the Creation Story. For our science topic, we will be exploring Sound and Electricity. Other areas of learning are described in our curriculum web which is being sent out with this letter.
This work is cross curricular and so links will be made throughout all the children’s learning, using a wide variety of carefully chosen fiction and non-fiction books.
During the first week of school, we’ve been working on routines and our rules for positive behaviour, which are based around ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’. The children are listening well and showing they are ready to learn.
The Christian value we are all sharing this term is Thankfulness and around the school we are encouraging all our children to show and put into practice this important value. We ask a “Big Question” and for this term it is “What am I thankful for in the world that we live?”
To keep up to date with the news and events look out for class emails, notes at the bottom of homework emails and make regular visits to the school website.
Homework in Muntjac Class is set weekly. It will be sent home on gmail on a Friday to be handed in the following Thursday. Further information about homework can be found on the Muntjac Class tab of the school website. Children will receive one piece of Maths, one piece of English and a spelling activitiy on Spellzone each week.
Part of the maths homework is to complete 5-10 minutes on TT rockstars a day to help improve times table recall and knowledge. Each child’s login is stuck into their reading records and homework books.

For spellings, we are using an online platform called Spellzone. This will take the children through an individualised learning plan to help improve their spellings through games and a variety of activities. Please complete 5-10 minutes daily. Each child’s login is stuck into their reading diary and homework books.
Reading – children are expected to read for at least 20 minutes per day with an adult. Reading logs are to be handed in every Tuesday to be monitored. Please record your child’s progress in their reading diary each day to enable your child to earn their Reading Awards. Inside the reading diary is a list of books we recommend the children should read to increase their reading and writing quality. You will also find a list of questions to ask your child after each reading session. Children are encouraged to read a variety of materials across fiction and non- fiction texts. Please read the child’s book band colour at home along with asking lots of questions around the text to enhance their comprehension of the text as well as fluency. This can be supplemented with reading of other texts, these can also be recorded within the reading diary.
Maths – the children will be given a variety of online activities, games, practical activities and worksheets to reinforce their learning within school. Two helpful and fun websites are and
At the beginning of Term 6 all Year 4 children will participate in the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) which is statutory for all primary schools. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided. Please use TT Rockstars as often as possible to improve your child’s rapid recall and fluency in times tables.
English – Children are expected to complete their homework writing activities independently, after a discussion about what they need to achieve. Please encourage children to spell the High Frequency Words correctly (a list can be found on the inside of the Homework Book). We encourage the children to challenge themselves to use higher level vocabulary learned within class and through reading.
All homework should be completed using a standard writing pencil and ruler.
Topic – Occasionally topic homework will be sent home, which will ask the children to use a variety of knowledge and skills to complete. As a result, the children will be given extra time to complete this type of homework task.
P.E- Every Thursday
Pupils will need to bring PE kit into school each Monday and keep their kit in school all week. The children need to have red shorts or tracksuit bottoms, a plain white T.Shirt and trainers (school shoes must NOT be worn during PE sessions). If the weather becomes cooler, the children will also need a plain red sweatshirt or school hoodie. If possible, please can the children also have a change of socks for P.E. As always please ensure all items of school uniform and PE kit are labelled. If children do not have P.E kit, they will be provided with spare kit where possible.

Water bottles
Children should bring a filled water bottle to school each day (please ensure they are labelled). During the day the children should only have water to drink. Any fresh juices should only be consumed with their lunch time food.
Further information about school trips and events will follow in due course. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you in advance for your support, we are looking forward to supporting your children as they work and learn during this autumn term.

With thankfulness, courage and love,

Kindest regards

Miss McClintock, Miss Wilson and Mrs Armstrong
Muntjac Class Teacher and Teaching Assistants


Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School