

In general, it is assumed that if a child is well enough to attend school, he/she is well enough to take part in the activities of a normal school day, i.e. going out to play, taking part in PE lessons or swimming, unless specific medical grounds are given.

If your child is not well enough to attend school, you should telephone the school before 8.50 a.m. on the morning of their first day of absence, and submit a letter explaining their absence on their return.

In line with NHS guidelines, any episode of sickness or diarrhoea should be reported and the child should be kept off school for 48 hours from the last incident.

The NHS guidelines can be found here.

Your own family doctor or nurse practitioner is the best person to advise you whether your child is fit enough to cope with a school day.

Medical Care

Chilton Foliat Primary School has an assigned School Nurse who offers a valuable service to all pupils at the school.

Staff and parents may ask for medical examinations or hearing tests if there are reasons for concern and parents may contact the School Nurse through the School Office if they need help or advice on health matters.

The school has limited facilities for children who are unwell during the school day and therefore if a child is clearly unwell, parents will be asked to collect their child. Please ensure that the school has an up-to-date telephone number for you, as well as an emergency contact number.

It is very important that the school is informed if your child has any medical problem.

Children who suffer from asthma may bring inhalers into school. Please note that if medications are left in school on an on-going basis, it is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that the products are within the use-by date and to replace them accordingly.
Prescribed drugs will be administered in school only on parental request. To safeguard staff, all such requests should be made in writing on the appropriate form which is available from the School Office. In the unlikely event that the Headteacher does not consider it appropriate for staff to administer certain prescribed drugs, the parent may be asked to bring such medicines to school and administer the correct dose themselves. Administering of un-prescribed medication will not take place, for reasons outlined in the document below

Administering Medication in Primary Schools

In the hot summer months, please send your child to school with adequate sun cream applied. Unfortunately your child’s class teacher is unable to apply sun creams.

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School