World Book Day and Celebration Assembly 2.45pm


Date: Thursday 2nd Mar
Time: All Day

World Book Day is coming up and we are looking forward to the chance to:

Dress up as our favourite book character
Bring your book to read and share at school
Listen to your teacher’s stories and poems based on our school value of courage
Listen to parents read their favourite childhood stories to us all.

We warmly welcome parents to come to school with their favourite childhood story or poem and share it with their children and their classmates. This activity will begin at approximately 2.15pm and if you can spare a 5 -10 slot of time to come and read in school, that would be fantastic. We will also be holding a special World Book Day Celebration Assembly, beginning at 2.45pm. All are welcome and please let us know in advance if you are coming to read.

Breaking news! World Book Day – Costume Swap
The Friends have very kindly offered to set up a World Book Day Costume Swap Shop. A great idea to help the environment and avoid spending money on yet more man-made items.
Parents will be invited to post photos of unwanted items on the Friends Facebook page and then bring the items into school (clearly labelled) once the swap has been agreed.

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School