Date: Thursday 5th Nov
Time: All Day
Dear Parent/Guardian
We hope you have had a good restful break and that the children in Muntjac and Sika classes are looking forward to their Warwick Castle trip on Thursday. We will be leaving school at 9.15am (please arrive normal time for registration) and we hope to return to school at approximately 5.30pm. If your child/ren has hot school meals please remember to cancel them.
Your child will need to bring along a small rucksack, healthy snacks, a packed lunch (no glass bottles or fizzy drinks please) and several drinks. Please dress your child appropriately for the weather conditions, with sensible shoes – there will be a fair amount of walking outside and the stairs may be slippy. The children must wear their school jumpers please. If your child would like to bring along some money to spend at the gift shop, then they may, up to a maximum of £5. The children will be doing work whilst at the castle so a pencil case with pencils, eraser etc is an option.
It will take approx 1 and a half hours to get to the castle so the children are allowed to take activities with them if they wish but nothing electronic please. For example: drawing, books, Top Trumps, pack of cards etc. The school will not take any responsibility if things get broken or lost.
Kind regards
Mrs Smart and Mrs Proctor