Date: Saturday 25th Jun
Time: 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Chilton Foliat Primary School Rio Carnival & Summer Fayre
Save the Date – Saturday June 25th
Our exciting summer fayre is fast approaching and looks set to be a fantastic event with lots happening throughout the afternoon, including:
• Carnival fancy dress competition
• Carnival parade
• Samba drumming and dancing displays from our children
• Limbo dancing
• Falconry and Andy’s Animal Encounters
• BBQ, Bar and Tea room
• Book Fair
• Lots of stalls including plants, face painting, tombolas, kid’s cocktails, ice cream and many more!
Help needed!
If you can help with:
– covering a stall for an hour on the day (afternoon from 1pm-4pm)
– set up on the Friday
– set up on the Saturday morning
– clear up on the Saturday evening
then please email as soon as possible. We need you as there is always such a lot to do with fantastic events like this. Just an hour on a stall on the day is plenty so that you can enjoy the event too. Sarah Wyatt (mum to Lily) and Winnie King (mum to Samuel) will also be circulating a list around the playground so please do help if you can; a little help goes a long way!
Donations needed!
We would be very grateful if you could help with any of the following donations:
• Unwanted gifts and good quality second hand household items for the Tombola
• Bottles for the Bottle tombola
• Plants
• Baking a cake
• Filling the ‘jolly jars’ that will be coming home next week with pocket money toys, stickers, pencils etc for the children to buy on the day
Donation boxes will be available in the club house and outside the school office the week before the event.
We would be grateful for the loan of gazebos for the day. If you would be kind enough to let us borrow yours then please email or let Freya Priddey-Chan (mum of Marius) know
Thank you so much for your support
The Friends