Sports Day Morning


Date: Friday 9th Jul
Time: 9:30 am - 3:00 pm

Chilton Foliat Primary School Sports Show Case Day

Weather permitting, on Friday 9th July 2021, the children will be taking part in the Chilton Foliat Primary School Sports Show Case Day.  Based on the Quad Kids concept, this athletics format enables participation for all ages and abilities and includes the four core disciplines of running, throwing, jumping and sprinting – hence Quad.  The activities will be modified so that from Reception to Year 6, all can take part and each participant will be scored based on a Personal Best basis.   The final scores will also be calculated by house group and the house winning the most points will also win our annual sports cup award.  We are delighted that Innov8 Sportz will be helping us out on the day. 

We are also delighted to say that parents will be invited to come and watch although and unfortunately, certain arrangements will have to apply, as we are still operating under Covid preventative measures.

  • Each class will be showcasing separately so that we can keep our bubbles intact
  • Equipment will be exchanged and wiped down between sessions
  • As we are allowed to accommodate multiple groups of 30, we will be able to invite both parents of each pupil to attend however, parents will have to stay within their year group gathering and remain socially distanced from other parents
  • We would recommend that every parent takes a Lateral Flow Test before attending, for your own safety and reassurance
  • School facilities, such as toilets and First Aid will not be available for use by our visiting parents and with regret, we will not be able to serve refreshments
  • Unfortunately, we will not be able to allow younger siblings to attend. As we cannot allow access to our school facilities such as toilets or First Aid, we would consider an invitation to our younger family members not to be a safe or comfortable thing to do. We also have to ensure that our parents remain stationery either in their seat or allocated area and we believe that this would be difficult to achieve if young ones are wanting to walk/run around.
  • Parents are requested to contact the school office to register their attendance and only parents who have registered to attend will be allowed on site
  • Entry and exit onto the school site will be from the top gate by the club house
  • Class groups of parents will be invited on site and will be shown to a designated spectators area, from where they can watch their children. Once the session has finished the class group of parents will be able to leave the premises so we can prepare for the next sets of parents to arrive
  • In the event of bad weather, a decision will be made by 8.30 am on Friday 9th July to cancel and this will be communicated via Parent Mail.

Timings are as follows:

Class Time for parents to arrive by Time for parents to leave by
Sika 9.30am 10.30am
Muntjac 11.00am 12.00 noon
Fallow 1.00pm 2.00pm
Roe 2.30pm 3.00pm


It may seem like there are a lot of do’s and don’ts but we hope you understand that whilst we are incredibly enthusiastic for you to come on school site to see your child (ren) have fun, we do have to continue to follow Government COVID-19 operational guidance and keep safe.

Please contact the office via email: or phone 01488 682630 to let us know that you would like to attend and we look forward to seeing for our 2021 Sports Showcase on Friday 9th July.

Katie Turner



Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School