Diary Dates

Sports Day – Come along and cheer the children on


Date: Friday 17th Jul
Time: 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Sports day will be held on Friday 17th July. It will run through the morning and you are welcome to stay and have a picnic lunch on the field afterwards. The afternoon will be normal curriulcum. In case of bad weather the reserve date is Monday 20th July..

Sports Day will officially start at 9.30am and will run throughout the morning. If for any reason we need to postpone this event to the reserve date due to bad weather, we will send out a Parentmail by 8.30am on Friday morning.

Please could all children come dressed in a T-shirt in their school house colours for Sports Day:-

RED – Littlecote
YELLOW – Soley
GREEN – Leverton
BLUE – Kennet

We are seeking parent volunteers to assist in giving the children their refreshments throughout the morning. If you are able to help, please contact me or the School Office.

During and after Sports Day, any children not on roll at Chilton Foliat Primary School should be supervised by their parents or guardians as the school is only responsible for those children registered in school. This is particularly relevant to children using the outside play equipment.

The kitchen are providing sausages and burgers in buns for those children who have ordered a meal on that day. If the parents are providing a picnic lunch, could they please let us know so that the kitchen staff can cater accordingly.

Thank you.

Mrs. Weston

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School