Diary Dates

School Christmas Craft Fayre


Date: Wednesday 3rd Dec
Time: 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

The Friends are delighted about the Christmas Fun Event, which will take place after school next Wednesday 3rd December until 5.30pm. We do still need four or five people to help on the day so if you can spare some time then please let Freya Priddey-Chan know on 07951 484152 or email friendsofchiltonfoliat@gmail.com. The success of these lovely events for the children really do rely on your help so please do if you can!!

More information about the event:

  1. Father Christmas will be welcoming visitors to his grotto; they will all receive a small gift. Pre-school children and children from outside the school are all welcome. The cost is £3 per child, with sibling discounts available. It will be possible to sign up for a time and pay in advance from next Monday, the 1st December. Antonia Roskill and Claude Kindlon will have these lists in the playground so please do speak to them if you wish to book a slot in advance as it can get very busy! Children in after school club will be brought across at 4.30 if you would like them to be – please send the money with them to the after school club or pay in advance
  1. There will be lots of other things for the children to do – decorate Christmas cupcakes, have their faces painted, decorate a star to hang on the Christmas tree, decorate a heart for a loved one’s Christmas present, make a Christmas cupcake and decorate a gingerbread biscuit, not to mention the Lucky Dip
  1. We have some nice stalls for the grown ups, including Hilary’s amazing gingerbread houses, Emma’s delightful Phoenix cards selection, Lizzie’s delicious jams and preserves and Esther’s pocket money toys (for the children too but great stocking fillers!) We will also have the Friends raffle to win a Christmas Hamper and a Refreshments room serving tea, coffee, hot chocolate, mulled wine and mince pies and some sweet treats

Key timings:

3.00  pm: arrival of parents to the school hall to browse the stalls while it is quiet..

3.10 pm: the children sing carols to open the event

3.15 pm: the arrival of Father Christmas

3.20 pm: Christmas Fun starts (until approx. 5.30pm)

Please note:

Spanish will still take place, but in the ICT suite

After School Club attendees will be brought across to the hall to visit Father Christmas and browse the stalls at 4.30pm. Please provide them with spending money if you wish to

The Friends need help!!

We are asking parents to do a few things to support the event:

  1. For the raffle please donate an item of food, wine or toiletries that would look good in a festive hamper. We hope to have enough for a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize!! There will be a box available in the Club house for donations from this Friday. Last donations by Tuesday 2nd December please – thank you!
  2. It would be brilliant to have 3 large cakes baked that we can then slice up and sell in the refreshments room on the day – if you can help with this then please let Freya know or email friendsofchiltonfoliat@gmail.com
  3. Helpers on the day are still needed – please let us know

We thank you for your amazing support, all of which is really appreciated, and look forward to seeing as many of you as possible there – let the festive season commence…J

The Friends

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School