Diary Dates

Open Morning


Date: Saturday 14th Nov
Time: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Open Morning for Prospective Parents

With thanks to Mrs Gibson, our governors and volunteer parents, our first Open Morning was a huge success (following all COVID-19 preventative measures). Even though we were minus our children, the school was welcoming and vibrant. Display boards and mini-exhibitions show-cased the wonderful results of our children’s work and each of the class Prowise boards proudly displayed photographs of many of our children situated in and around school. There were so many positives to talk about and to share. At the end of the tours, governors and volunteer parents met with our visitors in the club house, and were able to speak to them from a different and most important perspective, as a parent of a child at the school. We have a second Open Morning Saturday 14th November and we look forward to welcome more prospective new parents and their children then. If you know of anybody who would like to make an appointment, please ask them to contact the office:

Call 01488 682630 or email admin@chiltonfoliat.wilts.sch.uk to book an appointment

Why Did You Choose Chilton Foliat School_Parents Vox Pops_Sept2020_Vertical.mov

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School