Gourmet Gamble & Sika Class Bake Off


Date: Friday 21st Apr
Time: 3:20 pm - 4:00 pm

The Friends group, in conjunction with the Sika Class Water Sports Day Fundraisers, are hosting a Gourmet Gamble and Sika Class Bake Off on Friday 21st April straight after school at 3.20pm.
• Parents are asked to kindly donate a homemade food item –
cake, main course, pudding, sweets etc – and leave the items in the club house at drop-off. Any items that need to be refrigerated to be brought in after school (but before the Gamble)
• Tickets will be 50p per ticket and during the Gamble, you simply write your name and class on the back of the raffle ticket and put it in the container by the food item you would like to win
• Tickets get drawn and winning ticket gets food item.

Sika Class Bake Off – also on Friday 21st April 2023
• All Sika class children are being asked to bake a cake/food item at home to bring in to school to be judged by the lovely kitchen team (obviously all voluntary/subject to time constraints etc)
• Certificates will be awarded to all participating children
• Home baked items will be sold by Sika Class at the Gourmet Gamble
• Please bear in mind that we are a nut free school and ideally any allergens should be listed by the baker

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School