Date: Thursday 4th Apr
Time: 8:45 am - 9:30 am
The Friends have kindly organised a pre-Easter celebration which is taking the form of an Easter Bonnet Parade and Easter Bunny Hunt on Thursday 4th April.
The plan is for the children to arrive at school in their “bonnets” of whatever Easter shape and form and parade on the playground between 8.50am and 9.00am. Our Head Girl and Head Boy will judge the best three bonnets and prizes will be awarded.
Of course parents are invited to stay and watch and then after the parade are welcome to take their children’s bonnet home. After we have said goodbye to our parents/carers, the children are invited to take part in an Easter Bunny Hunt in the grounds of the school. Prizes of the chocolate variety (in the main) will be awarded! In the event of wet weather, the bonnet parade will take place in the hall and the hunt will be postponed until after the Easter holidays.