Diary Dates

A ‘Spirit of Christmas’


Date: Friday 4th Dec
Time: 3:15 pm - 5:30 pm

Dear Parents

Not long now until our lovely Christmas event, celebrating the Spirit of Christmas, this Friday after school:

– Do join us from 3pm in the school hall with the choir to sing carols around the Christmas tree

– Father Christmas will be in his grotto from 3.30 – 5.00pm (£3 per child, with sibling discounts available). You can book a slot if you see Freya in the playground, or email friendsofchiltonfoliat@gmail.com

– The children will be entertained with some magic tricks and a book reading by Peter Dove and able to buy pocket money toys

– There is a to win a fabulous Fortnum and Masons hamper and a children’s raffle too, including the chance to win a 6 week course of football kindly donated by Kick-A-Bout

– The lovely ladies from Littlecote House Hotel will be available for a nail file and polish, hand and shoulder massage – do come and relax and enjoy a treatment while the children are entertained!

– There will be hot chocolate, mulled wine, mince pies and doughnuts

Children at After School club will be taken across to the main hall – please so send them with some pocket money if they would like to purchase something!

Let the festive season begin! We look forward to seeing you there. We are incredibly grateful to the Digweed family for very generously donating the hamper and to Rod Smith and his business Humane Pest Control Solutions for our fabulous real Christmas tree – thank you so much for helping make this such a special event

With best wishes

The Friends


Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School