Diary Dates

Children in Need


Date: Friday 15th Nov
Time: All Day

As part of the School Council initiatives for 2019/2020, three charities have been chosen which the children would like to support and which reflect our values and our outward looking view on our world.
The first charity is Children in Need and we have allocated Friday 15th November 2019 as our Children in Need day. At our last meeting, the Executive Committee of School Council discussed and agreed a number of activities which will help raise funds for Pudsey. These are:
 Come to school dressed in spots for a donation of £1.00
 Fill Pudsey with silver coins (5p’s, 10p’s, 20p’s and 50p’s)
 After school cake sale – donations welcome into school on Friday morning
 Links to learning: Pudsey maths; a writing competition “A day in the life of Pudsey” and a carefully selected text to read in class about children who are less fortunate than us
Posters will be sent out on Monday to advertise the event more fully and the children will be no doubt getting ready for Friday throughout the week. Many thanks for your support.

Children in Need Poster

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School

Chilton Foliat CE VA Primary School